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Dropshipping Product Research in 2023: A Simple 3-Step Guide

August 24, 2023

Welcome to this guide! If you're keen on understanding a straightforward dropshipping product research strategy, you're in the right place. Whether you're new in the dropshipping world or an experienced dropshipper, this guide is made for you.

So, what's in store? We'll be covering three main areas:

Let's dive right in! 👏

Finding winning products

To find those must-have items everyone wants, I've come across a tool that's been super handy — Ecom Winners. While it's relatively new to the dropshipping tool scene, it's quickly proving its worth. If you want to stay ahead of your competition, you have to be progressive in the selection of your toolkit.

With a colossal database of over 200,000 products, updated daily, Ecom Winners doesn't merely list products — it provides insights. Ever wondered how many stores are selling that trending crystal lamp or that quirky gadget? This platform answers that by tracking store listings for each product.

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Filter options let you focus on rising stars. For instance, view products surging in popularity within the last 72 hours, sort them by percentage change, and set a minimum threshold for stores. This will show you all the newer products that are rapidly growing in popularity.

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When you click on a product in Ecom Winners, you get a nice timeline showing the number of stores that are listing it. It's a simple way to spot if a product's been running for a while or if it's just brand new.

Best of all? They offer a 3-day free trial. It's a no-brainer. Check them out here:

Assessing the competition and saturation

Once you've found a cool product, the next logical step is to size up the competition. I turn to PipiAds for this.

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With PipiAds, it's super easy to see who else is promoting the same product. Key things to note are the like rate (aim for over 1%) and the number of impressions (10k+ or more).

Too many sellers? That might hint at saturation. But don't worry. Sometimes, it's about presenting the product differently rather than being the only one selling it. Just know that when you have a lot of competition, you can be sure other people will be listing the same product at lower prices.

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When clicking on an ad, it is possible to see the advertiser's store and all the other ads that they are running. Awesome! Now we know who our competitors are. The next step is to track them.

Keeping eyes on your competitors

The next fun part? Watching what your competitors are doing. Not only will you see if the product you want to test is actually selling, you will also see their other best sellers. For this, stands out. Here's a look when I tried it out on Gymshark:

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When tracking your competitors and you see that the product you found in Ecom Winners is selling very well for your competitors, you should definitely give it a go and test it yourself.

If you're tracking a store and the product is not selling well, it could either mean that it's not a good product, or it could mean that your competitor is no longer running ads for that product.

That's why it's interesting to track multiple competitors selling the same product.

Wrapping It Up

To ace dropshipping, staying ahead of the rest is the key. Tools like Ecom Winners provide that fresh perspective, making sure you always have an edge. It's worth having a few tools in your toolkit to help you in becoming a successful dropshipper.

If this guide added value to your day, a thumbs up would be awesome. Wishing you tons of success and happy selling! 👍🌟





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